terms and conditions

Time jump Historys  

 Terms and conditions 2024

A) Safety 

A1) Time jump Histories  is covered with public liability insurance. All of our entertainers have public liability insurance and an up to date DBS check. All electrical equipment used is either brand new or PAT tested for safety.

A2) Please note, for safety reasons, at least one other adult, in addition to MR Nash, must be present the whole time the entertainment is running. This does not mean they have to be helping with the Event , but they must be present should they be needed if any accident arises. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure this happens.

A3) We retain the right not to conduct certain activities if we feel the Public are not responding appropriately, or are too riotous and therefore we deem it unsuitable to conduct certain activities at the Event .


B) Booking our Services

B1) Please note that a Event  is not booked and confirmed until a deposit has been paid to Time jump Histories  or the full amount has been paid and cleared. You will receive a confirmation from us, acknowledging payment and confirming the booking.

B2) To confirm a booking with Time jump Histories  we require a 50%. Deposit. This Deposit is non-refundable if our services are cancelled.

B3) Please note for bank transfer payments, we require an email from you to notify us that the payment has been made and for the deposit or full payment to have cleared into our bank account. You will receive a confirmation from us, acknowledging payment and confirming the booking.

B4) Please note that until a deposit has been made and a confirmation email from us acknowledging the booking, our services are NOT booked


C) Cancellation Policy

C1) Once a 50% deposit is made, it is non-refundable if our services are cancelled be for the Event .

C2) If you wish to cancel a event notice must be given in writing or by email a minimum of one week before the date of the Event  to avoid a £50 surcharge and you must have received an email acknowledgement back. Please note we cannot accept messages left on voice mail as notifications.

C3) If for any reason a event has to be cancelled on the day of the Event /event, there is a surcharge of £50.

C4) Notice must be given before Time jump Histories has commenced travel to the Event  destination. If for any reason the client has to cancel and don’t give notice before Time jump Histories has commenced travel, the client is required to cover MR Nash for travel costs and a £50 surcharge in full.

C5) If for any reason the Event  has to be cancelled to extreme weather conditions the deposit is un-refundable but the £50 surcharge fee would not apply. We can reschedule the Event  at a later date as long as the new date is within three weeks of the cancellation date. 


D) The Team 

D1) Please note that we cannot offer to guarantee to provide anyone specific entertainer. This includes but is not limited to being unable to provide an entertainer’s based on their gender, age, ethnicity, or religion.

D2) We reserve the right to refuse a booking or to cancel an existing booking for any reason. This includes but is not limited to if a customer is abusive or threatening in some way, or we feel a booking might put Time jump Histories in a dangerous, inappropriate or uncomfortable position. 


    E) Payment 

    E1) Unless the client have already paid the balance in full by cash, cheque or Bank transfer. The remaining balance for the entertainment must always be paid in cash, cheque on the day of the Event to MR E Nash.

    E2) The remaining balance for a booking is payable to the entertainer on the day in cash immediately after the event entertainment is completed. Please note Time jump Histories will not accept discount vouchers, card payments or any other form of payment excerpt stated above .

    E3) If the client is unable to pay on the day there is a ten day graces paired but if there is no payment after the ten days, there will be a warning letter sent out stetting that this is a final reminder to pay and if there is no payment with in the next 72 hours. Additional fees of £25-a day will be applied, for every day extra after the Waring letter has been sent out. 

    E4) If payment if made before the ten days is don there will be no warning letter issued and no additional fees


    F) Liability

    F1) Please note Time jump Histories  does not take responsibility for Public causing damage to a venue or any property that the Event  is held in. This includes, but is not limited to a home, hired venue or public area.

    F2) Please note that all of our Event  packages are appropriate to the age of the Public outlined on our Facebook page. You should be aware that the activities will not be appropriate for Public outside the specified age range. If you have younger Public attending the Event  we would ask that you please ensure that either the parent or an adult supervisor is there to look after them and prevent them from disrupting the show. 

    F3) By booking a Event with Time jump Histories  you understand that you release us from any liability associated with accidents of any kind. This includes but is not limited to accidents occurring to any adults or Public. You also release Time jump Histories  from any liability associated with accidents or damage caused to furniture, fixtures or fitting or property of any kind not belonging to that of Time jump Histories .

    F4) In the unlikely event that refunds or compensation is requested, you accept that any refunds or compensation given, will be limited to the total value of the cost of hiring our services.

    F5) If parties are held anywhere other than your home, we will assume that you have either hired the hall or had permission to use the space, and have deemed the space suitable and safe to use for the types of activities being provided by Time jump Histories .

    F6) Please note that, although it is extremely unlikely to happen, we reserve the right to cancel a Event  at any time, either before or during the Event . This may include, but is not limited to, cancelling a Event  if we deem the venue to be unsuitable or if we feel that there are circumstances present of any kind that would be unsuitable to run a Event .

    F7) All parties are exclusive to Time jump Histories  and all material is copyrighted and the property of Time jump Histories 


    G) What we need to conduct the entertainment:

    G1) During a party booking the customer must ensure at least 1 adult is present in the same room for the entire duration of the entertainment. This is in case accidents should occur or Public need to go to the toilet. We regret, for safety reasons, we cannot conduct the entertainment unless at least one adult is present in the room the entire time.


    H) Meetings.

    For a face to face meeting with MR Nash, the first meeting is free, but for any further meetings, there will be a small fee of £25 which will be added to the invoice. 


    Time jump Histories 

    Terms and conditions 2024

    . Edward Nash.